School’s Accreditations

School’s Accreditations



  • Member of English UK:

    We are a member of English UK, the leading association for private and public language teaching establishments in Britain and we adhere to its code of practice.

  • Partners to Visit Brighton:

    Visit Brighton is the official tourism organisation for the City of Brighton & Hove. They promote Brighton & Hove to visitors from the UK and around the world through a variety of media, including PR, print and online marketing. There are currently over 400 businesses working in partnership with them, and we are one of them.

  • Interactive English Language School Ltd.

    Is registered in England No: 7147035, Registered Office: 85 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BB, Proprietors: Steven & Adela Johnston, [email protected], +44(0) 01273 202 081

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