Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Registration and confirmation

  • When you book your course and accommodation you need to pay all agreed fees in full and in advance. You also need to pay a £50 registration fee + £20 if applying for visa.
  • If you want to change the start of your course you must write and tell us at least 21 days before. If you don’t tell us, our cancellation policy may apply.


  • It is your responsibility to make your visa application in plenty of time. If your visa application is refused less than 3 weeks before the start of the course, our cancellation policy may apply.
  • If your visa application is refused more than 3 weeks before the start of your course we will give you back all of the money you paid to us, except for the £70 registration charge, when you send us your refusal letter or, in special circumstances, the original letters we gave you to support your visa application.


  • You must cancel your course in writing.
  • If you cancel your course more than 3 weeks before the start of your course, we will give back all of the money you paid to us except for the registration fee. If you cancel your course between your start date and 3 weeks before the start of your course we will charge the cost of 1 week’s tuition + 1 week’s accommodation and a registration fee, the rest of the money will be refunded. If you cancel your course and accommodation after it started fees will not be refunded.
  • If you book your course through an agent you need to contact the agent to get back the money you paid to him.
  • In special circumstances it may be possible to cancel your course after you start studying. If we gave you documents to support your visa application we must tell the Home Office you have cancelled your course.
  • Interactive English Language School reserves the right to cancel courses without notice and will offer students a full refund or alternative course at no extra cost.
  • Interactive English Language School reserves the right to cancel courses of students who do not have acceptable conduct.
  • No refund will be given for missed classes.

Student emergency support fund

  • Interactive English Language School is a member of English UK, and our student have access to student emergency support fund, which aims to minimise the effects of closure when students have paid fees for language courses at English UK member centres. It ensures students can complete their learning and also covers money lost on accommodation fees.

Force Majeure

  • Interactive English Language School is not liable for loss of tuition or other services due to factors outside our control. Refunds will not be made under these circumstances.


  • Course times are from 8:45 to 12:00 AM. The time of your course depends on your level and will be confirmed once you have done a placement test in the school.
  • If your English level is not suitable for the course you have booked, we reserve the right to move you onto a different course or to refuse you admission to the school.
  • Courses have a maximum size of 17. Our average class number is 11.


  • We will tell you your accommodation details at least 7 days before the start of your course.
  • Interactive English will book accommodation from Sunday to Saturday, unless arranged otherwise.
  • It may be possible to change/cancel your accommodation if complaint is reasonable, but these situations will be assessed individually. You must give 2 weeks notice if you want to change/cancel except in special circumstances. If alternative accommodation is not available we reserve right to cancel the accommodation and do the refund of the outstanding fees.
  • Interactive English tries not to put students with the same mother tongue together unless requested but this is not always possible.
  • It is possible to cancel your accommodation after you have arrived, but we would need at least 2 weeks notice. If you give less than 2 weeks’ notice you will have to pay up to 2 weeks’ accommodation fee.
  • Interactive English reserves the right to change your host family accommodation on short notice due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Interactive English reserves the right not to find new accommodation for students that have been disruptive in their family.


  • Students will only receive a certificate of attendance if their attendance meets the minimum requirement of 80%. If a student does not come to at least 80% of the course, they may be reported to the UK Border Agency or refused further course. Students with attendance lower than 80% will not receive certificate of attendance at the end of their course.



  • If you wish to take holiday you must inform Interactive English 2 weeks before the start of your course or you will lose part of your course and will be marked ‘absent’.
  • Students can take a maximum of 3 weeks’ holiday in a 24 week course. Holidays can be taken only for full weeks.
  • Students on a course which is less than 8 weeks cannot take holidays.
  • There is no refund for national holidays.

Insurance & Travel

  • Interactive English advises students to take out health and travel insurance privately.
  • You are also strongly advised to take out insurance against cancellation or curtailment of your course for any reason before you travel.
  • Interactive English cannot be held liable for accidents that happen in the UK or while travelling.
  • Transfers to and from airport must be paid in advance.
  • It is student’s responsibility to contact school if they are delayed. Refunds cannot be given if students miss the transfer.


We hope that you are happy here. We try to be polite, professional, and helpful. If you are unhappy about anything at the school, we will try to make you feel better by fixing the problem. What you can do.

  • Talk to the person who is making you unhappy and tell them why.
  • Talk to your teacher about the problem.
  • Talk to reception staff if the problem is your teacher.
  • Talk to a director if the reception staff cannot help you.

If you are still not happy, you must write a formal complaint to the Directors. The Directors will reply to your complaint in no more than ten days.

If you are not happy with the Directors’ reply, you should write to the British Council. Tell them why you are unhappy with the school and the way they tried to fix your problem.

Please post or email your complaint to British Council:

Customer Services

Accreditation Unit

Bridgewater House, 58 Whitworth Street, Manchester M1 6BB, UK-

[email protected]

Contact details

  • Students are obliged to give contact details, including mobile phone number and email address. These must be correct and up to date. If contact details change we must be informed.

Data protection

  • The information stored by Interactive English Language School is in accordance with the data protection act. Information and may be shared with the British Home Office for visa purposes or accreditation bodies.

Promotional materials

We might take photographs or videos for use in our promotional marketing purposes. We will not use any such images of you without your permission.

Discipline and exclusions

  • All students must behave with respect for other people and property during their class. If you do not, the teacher can ask you to leave the classroom, and report your behaviour to the school administration. If your behaviour is especially bad, you can be told to leave the school permanently.
  • You must not hit or touch, or make insulting comments (especially about race, religion, nationality, or sex) to anybody in school, or any student or staff member anywhere. If you do, you will be told to leave the school permanently.

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